Hail Mary, Arc of the Covenant that contains the
manna that is Christ, unimaginable sweetness for
our souls! Hail oh purest table on which we feed from
this living and heavenly bread! Hail Mary! you give
us with your love the living bread that nurtures us,
Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Grant us sweet
Lady that we get to know and love more every day
the amazing richness of the Blessed Sacrament.
You were the purest Tabernacle that the world has
ever offered to house this Mystery:
Teach us to receive it in purity. That our adorations
and communions be through your intercession
dearest mother, pleasing to Jesus, and will bring us
the happiness we wish for throughout eternity. Amen.
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament,
Pray for us.
So my soul will always dwell
in your grace and in your love,
Keep me close to your table,
Oh my dearest God!
Repeat Three Times:
Guide: Praises and Thanks be given at all times
to the most Blessed and Divine Sacrament.
All: And blessed be always and forever the Holy
and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, Mother of God and also our Mother.