St. Vincent Ferrer Novena Prayers

O Saint Vincent Ferrer, our guardian, because God, our eternal Father, has blessed you with an inexhaustible fountain of grace and blessings, we beg you to hear our prayers and to assist us with your powerful intercession, which is even more effective now that you are in heaven than it was when you were on earth. Full of confidence in your mercy and compassion, we kneel in prayer before you, and commend to your powerful intercession all our needs, those of our families, our friends, relatives, and benefactors, and especially . . . (here mention the favors desired). Glorious St. Vincent Ferrer, let not our hope and confidence in your protection be deceived. Intercede for us before the throne of God. Watch over our eternal welfare. If our trials and tribulations in this world multiply, may they serve to give us spiritual joy and happiness, if God will only grant us the grace of ever increasing patience to the end that we may save our souls. Amen.

O almighty and eternal God, you bountifully enriched St. Vincent Ferrer, your holy servant, with many graces and merits, and through his intercession have given a return to health to so many sick and infirm. Grant, we beg you, that by following his example and aided by his prayers, we may obtain the grace to despise the things of this world and to look to those of heaven, and thus be cleansed of our sinfulness. Grant that through his powerful aid we may be freed from all evils of body and soul. Amen.

St. Vincent Ferrer, prayer for us.
St. Vincent Ferrer, help us.
St. Vincent Ferrer, comfort us.
St. Vincent Ferrer, cure us of our ill health.

(3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Mary’s, 3 Glory Be’s)

O glorious apostle and worker of miracles, St. Vincent Ferrer, new Angel of the Apocalypse and our kind protector, receive our humble prayers and obtain for us an abundance of divine favors. By that love which inflamed your heart, obtain for us from the Father of mercies the pardon of all our sins, confirmation in our faith, and perseverance in good works. By living as good and fervent Christians may we become more worthy of your powerful intercession. Extend your protection to our bodies and free us from our infirmities. Protect our land from the violence of storms and disasters, and keep misfortune far from us. Thus blessed and protected by you in soul and body, we shall be ever devoted to you, and one day, with God’s grace, be with you in heaven, there to praise God forever and ever. Amen.

Litany of St. Vincent Ferrer

Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us.

St. Dominic, our august Father, pray for us.
St. Vincent Ferrer, pray for us.
St. Vincent, glory of Valencia,
St. Vincent, lily of purity,
St. Vincent, miracle of piety from childhood,
St. Vincent, interpreter of the Holy Trinity,
St. Vincent, burning light of charity,
St. Vincent, mirror of penance,
St. Vincent, trumpet of eternal salvation,
St. Vincent, flower of heavenly wisdom,
St. Vincent, preacher of the holy Gospel,
St. Vincent, powerful in word and work,
St. Vincent, prophet of Christ who is to come,
St. Vincent, most devout to the Mother of God,
St. Vincent, ever most pious,
St. Vincent, most fervent reconciler of souls,
St. Vincent, most bountiful to the poor,
St. Vincent, most learned teacher,
St. Vincent, most holy preacher,
St. Vincent, most illustrious by miracles,
St. Vincent, cherished by Jesus Christ,
St. Vincent, most addicted to prayer,
St. Vincent, burning for the salvation of souls,
St. Vincent, true model of humility,
St. Vincent, confessor filled with knowledge,
St. Vincent, most powerful reviver of the dead,
St. Vincent, health of the sick,
St. Vincent, support of the holy Faith,
St. Vincent, master of penitents,
St. Vincent, refuge of the afflicted,
St. Vincent, brightness of the elect,
St. Vincent, conqueror of devils,
St. Vincent, companion of angels,
St. Vincent, treasure of virtue,
St. Vincent, sight of the blind,
St. Vincent, hearing of the deaf,
St. Vincent, speech of the dumb,
St. Vincent, consolation of the desolate,
St. Vincent, who wears in heaven the double crown of virginity and doctorate,
St. Vincent, immortal glory of the Order of Preachers,
St. Vincent, powerful protector of those who seek your aid,
St. Vincent, protector of all who invoke you, pray for us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord.

Let us pray.

O God, you adorned Saint Vincent with innumerable virtues and merits, and through his intercession granted health to the sick and ailing. Grant, we humbly pray, that following his example in despising the evils of this world and looking forward to the joys of heaven, we may rise above our sinfulness, and, through St. Vincent’s intercession, deserve to be cured from all afflictions of soul and body. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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